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Skyline Integrative Medicine

"I highly recommend Dr. Fletcher at Skyline Integrative Medicine, she has provided excellent chiropractic care and acupuncture for my family and me for many years. I originally went just for chiropractic but found that her knowledge of Traditional Chinese medicine was also very effective. I always leave her office feeling relaxed and back in balance. One of my favorite aspects of her practice is that she makes me feel comfortable and I never feel rushed. She has treated me for various issues including back pain, sciatica , and a pinched nerve in my wrist. In my experience just one visit relieves most of my pain, and it's completely resolved after just a few more visits. The home exercises she teaches allow me to continue to heal and strengthen in order to avoid future injuries. Dr. Fletcher genuinely cares for the wellbeing of her patients. She listens thoughtfully and makes a plan to not only relieve immediate pain but to help you understand why the injury may have occurred in the first place and how to avoid it in the future."

By Shane - 2020

(via Google Places)

"Dr. Fletcher is extremely kind and personable. Her treatment is individualistic and she always adjusts according to how you're feeling that day. I highly recommend her services."

By Ashley - 2020

(via Google Places)

"Dr Fletcher is awesome! She's helped with me with my back and some other health issues. Very caring and spends time getting to know and treating you."

By Lori - 2020

(via Google Places)

"Dr. Jennifer Fletcher is awesome. She is a talented healer with a positive attitude who is dedicated to successful treatments. I found her randomly through a web search and it was my lucky day. She has a good nature, holistic approach, and really cares about her patients. I recommend her fully."

By Bill - 2020

(via Google Places)

"Jennifer Fletcher gave me my first chiropractic adjustment. The shift was drastic and I became much looser. The following few days I became aware of many old negative thought patterns coming up to be released. It was as though the shift in my body created a re-aligning of my self beliefs in a more positive direction. I have since had a new outlook on my life! Jennifer is very much a healer."

By West - Mar 7, 2012

(via Google Places)

"Dr. Fletcher is amazing! She is thorough and very gentle at the same time. I have had chronic lower back pain managed through monthly treatments. With Dr. Fletcher's work, I rarely have lower back pain any longer. Through accupuncture treatments, she has completely eliminated the night sweats I was struggling with. I am grateful for her work, and would recommend her highly!"

by Kristine ‎ - Feb 2, 2012

(via Google Places)

"Migraines Gone and Badly Damaged Finger In Repair - I fell and damaged a finger in my dominant hand, and the ER doctor diagnosed it as broken. It was worse than that, however, as I had ripped the tendons and stretched the ligaments in a direction a finger is not supposed to bend -- backward on itself. After the injury, my finger didn't appear real: It looked like a rubber finger bent backwards! I was referred to a physical therapist, and was put through a few months of regular PT: Stretches, exercises, self-massage, heat therapy, and wraps, and was placed for months in a splint. The PT folks felt I was moving along just fine, but my finger felt dead. I had very little sensation, and the PT was making my finger feel even more dead. Because of Dr. Fletcher's work, I can feel my finger again -- there's blood flow, hurrah!!! I now have my hand back, and though it will still take time to get full use, I would not have recovered as well or as quickly --- and perhaps not at all --- without her. I didn't see her for my migraine headaches, but with her therapies my near-daily migraines have vanished as well. Wonderful!"

by JR ‎ - Feb 1, 2012

(via Google Places)

"A great experience! Dr. Fletcher was extremely accommodating, seeing me outside of what I perceive are her "normal" hours. I was having trouble breathing due to what I thought was a "rib out". I saw her twice within two days. In a nut shell between her adjustments, accu-pressure, accu-puncture, massage and heat packs she was able to alleviate what was almost debilitating discomfort for me. She spends the time needed and uses the methods necessary to effectively treat the problem (at least in my case). I have never had such an effective speedy resolution to a physical condition in my many experiences with other chiropractors/naturopathic practitioners. Thank you Dr. Fletcher!!"

by Kittties are cool ‎ - Sep 21, 2011

(via Google Places)

"Dr. Fletcher is a very intuitive practitioner, very kind and a great communicator. She has lots of tools in her pocket including chiropractic, chinese medicine, custom orthotics, etc. I really can't recommend her more highly!"

by Suzi ‎ - Sep 15, 2011

(via Google Places)

"Jennifer Fletcher is a miracle worker. My own personal experience is that I went to her with terrific and continuing pain that would not let up for many months in my lower back and leg some years ago. After two acupuncture treatments and several chiropractic adjustments, my pain disappeared completely. No other chiropractor that I went to (and I went to several) came close to touching the problem much less solving it. I will always be grateful to this wonderful healer."

-Neale Donald Walsh
Best Selling Author

"While Jennifer Fletcher was in Ashland, she was our personal acupuncturist and chiropractor. She not only blends the two disciplines in highly creative ways that enhance each, she is highly intuitive and caring. We are very discriminating customers and we referred many people to her, always receiving appreciative feedback from them."

Donna Eden and David Feinstein
Energy Medicine and The Promise of Energy Psychology

"Dr. Fletcher has helped me immensely in so many ways!
She has helped to relieve much of my neck and shoulder pain, and in addition to helping to fix the problem, she has educated me on ways to prevent my pain from returning. I work on a computer for many hours a day, and now I am able to work without worrying that I might have to change careers.

She is so knowledgeable about both western and eastern medicine and she uses principles from both to give a well-rounded more complete approach to health care. I am so happy to be one of her patients!"

Web Designer, Portland

"Jennifer is an amazing doctor. The best part about her practice is the flexibility that she has in treating her patients in different ways. Chiropractor, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and orthodic care are all at her finger tips. Her office has many rooms all offering a little something different.

Go see her, you will be glad you did!"

-by jhornermbank via Citysearch

For appointments please use the yellow Book Online button.

Send us a non urgent message here. Please call if you need to change your booked appointment.

Our Location

224 S Hamilton St. Suite 101 Portland, OR 97239

  • If you are coming from Barber Blvd turn East on hamilton street towards the Willamette River down the hill.
  • If you are coming from N. I5 freeway take exit 298 Corbett Ave and take a left, then on Hamilton St turn right when you go down the hill.

Hours Of Operation

Find Out When We Are Open




9:30 am to 5:30 pm - By Appointment




9:30 am to 5:30pm - By Appointment


9:30 am to 5:30 pm - By Appointment





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